Please help yourself to the use of any of these resources that I have created.
2025. Parks, E.S., Faw, M., and Lane, L. Listening: Key concepts. New York: Routledge.
2018. Parks, E.S. The ethics of listening: Creating space for sustainable dialogue. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
2024. Nishime, L. and Parks, E.S. Reading a letter for Black Lives Matter: A cultural studies approach to Asian American intercultural communication. In Nakahama, T. and Halualani, R., Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication, 2nd Edition. Wiley Press.
2023. Foot, K., Van der Watt, M., and Parks, E.S. Special Issue: Frontiers in organizing processes: Collaborating against human trafficking/modern slavery for impact and sustainability. Societies: MDPI Books.
2022. Parks, E.S. and Aoki, E. Listening across the United States: Diverse cognitive constructs and regional codes. In Wang, C. and Chao, L, Communicating across Differences: Negotiating Identity, Privilege, & Marginalization in the 21st Century. Cognella Press.
2022. Harvey, J., Faw, M.H., and Parks, E.S. Care-giver/Care-receiver Supports. In Thompson, T. and Harrington, N. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Health Communication, 3rd Edition. Routledge.
2021. Ojeda-Hecht, E. and Parks, E.S. A bridge for communication: Negotiating intergenerational listening expectations in face-to-face interactions and digital platforms. In Robinson, R. (Ed.), Communication Instruction and the Gen Z Classroom: Educational Explorations. Lexington Press.
2016. Parks, E.S. “Bringing together and setting apart: Christianity’s role in the formation of deaf cultural communities in Latin America and the Caribbean” in A. Hacker-Daniels (Ed.), Communication and the Global Landscape of Faith. Lexington Books.
2014. Parks, E. “National and international deaf cultural identity: Creating symbolic borders through perceived use of American Sign Language” in D. Watt and C. Llamas (Eds.), Language, Borders and Identity. Edinburgh University Press.
Journal Articles
Parks, E.S. 2024. “On being nice: Conceptualizing the communication of niceness through relational prioritization, care, and adaptability. Communication Monographs. DOI: 10.1080/03637751.2024.2316830
Matter, M. and Parks, E.S. 2023. “Listening in silence: A comparative analysis of communicative behaviors across listening constructs.” International Journal of Listening. DOI: 10.1080/10904018.2022.2162903
Parks, E.S. and Tansey, J.F. 2022. “Listening play as disability gain: Dialogue and creativity in a pandemic’s disabling.” Listening: Journal of Communication, Ethics, and Religion, 57 (2), 119-141. DOI: 10.5840/listening202257214
Stofleth, D. and Parks, E.S. 2022. “’Sorry, I didn’t mean to kiss at you’: A descriptive analysis of Tourette Syndrome in interpersonal interactions.” Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. DOI:10.1007/s10882-022-09881-6
Parks, E.S. and Bennett, K.E. 2022. “A transcription system for nonverbal listening behavior.” International Journal of Listening. DOI:10.1080/10904018.2022.2063868
Cannava, K., Parks, E.S., and Porterfield, B. 2021. “Listening skills in dementia care: Understanding the caregiving and care-receiving active listening process.” Communication & Medicine. DOI: 10.1558/cam.19008
Parks, E.S. and Calderón, J. 2021. Bimodal multilingual education: Recognizing the linguistic resources of a diverse deaf world. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2021.1964432
Parks, E.S. and Faw, M.H. 2021. Tasks and evaluations: Improving listening styles and construct measurement through the LSP-R, LSP-R8, and LCI-R Listening Scales. Communication Quarterly, 69(4), DOI: 10.1080/01463373.2021.1951791
Tansey, J.F. and Parks, E.S. 2021. Privileged professionalisms: Using co-cultural communication to strengthen inclusivity in professionalism education and community formation. Ethics & Behavior, 7(1), 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2021.1925118
Jones, O.E. and Parks, E.S. 2021. “Don’t give up when communication is difficult”: Online well-being advice for caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.” Home Health Care Services Quarterly,40(2), 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/01621424.2021.1907266
Parks, E.S. 2021. The hybrid I/eye: A critical autoethnography of intersecting race and disability identity. Journal of Autoethnography, 2(1), 26-38, DOI: 10.1525/joae.2021.2.1.26.
Parks, E.S. and Robles, J.S. 2021. Perpetuating ableist constructions of the ‘real world’ through new communication technologies. Language & Dialogue, 11(1), 36-60, DOI: 10.1075/ld.00083.par
Parks, E.S. 2021. Dialogic listening: Moving beyond idealism to intercultural ethical praxis. Listening: Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture, 56(2), 37-47.
Parks, E.S. 2020. Listening across the ages: Measuring generational listening differences with the LCI-R. International Journal of Listening, 34(1), 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/10904018.2020.1748503
Parks, E.S. 2019. Listening to hybrid identities in medical contexts. International Journal of Listening, 33(3), 163-167, DOI: 10.1080/10904018.2019.1626730
Parks, E.S. 2019. Listen first: Dialogic research ethics in Caribbean signing communities. Ethics & Behavior, 29(2), 156-166. DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2017.1395338
Robles, J.S. and Parks, E.S. 2019. Complaints about technology as a resource for identity-work. Language in Society, 48(2), 209-231, DOI:10.1080/10508422.2021.1925118
Parks, E.S. and Barta, K. 2018. Are you my mother? Perpetuating gender inequality through listening expectations and relational roles. Journal of Research in Gender Studiesm, 8(1), 28-48, DOI: 10.22381/JRGS8120182
Parks, E.S. and Nishime, L. 2016. Extinction, genealogy, and institutionalization: Challenging normative values in popular endangered language discourse. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 9(4), 312-333, DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2016.1142603
Parks, E.S. 2016. Identifying overlapping language communities: The case of Chiriquí and Panamanian signed languages. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 35(3), 305-330, DOI: 10.1515/multi-2014-0090
Parks, E.S. 2016. Language witnessing: An intergenerational cosmopolitan ethic of care for endangered languages. Listening: Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture, 51(1), 61-73.
Parks, E.S. 2015. Listening with empathy in organizational communication. Organizational Development Journal, 33(3), 9-22.
Parks, E.S. 2015. Engaging the discourse of international language identification: A critical discourse analysis of ISO 639-3 sign language change requests. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 12(3), 208-230, DOI: 10.1080/15427587.2015.1060559.
Parks, E.S. 2013. Enriching the field of International Communication through sign language research: An analysis of EBSCOhost’s ‘Communication & Mass Media Complete’ Database. Journal of International Communication. 19(2), 272-284, DOI: 10.1080/13216597.2013.833536.
Parks, E. and H. Williams. 2013. The Uruguayan Deaf Community. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2013-021, 1-11.
Epley, C. and E. Parks. 2013. The Deaf People of Belize. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2013-011, 1-20.
Eberle, D., S. Eberle, E. Parks, and J. Parks. 2012. Sociolinguistic Survey Report of the Ecuadorian Deaf Community. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2012-027, 1-38. Republished in Spanish: Eberle, D., S. Eberle, E. Parks, and J. Parks. 2016. Informe de la Encuesta Sociolingüística de la Comunidad Sorda Ecuatoriana, Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2016-003, 1-38.
Williams, H. and E. Parks. 2012. The Deaf People of Venezuela. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2012-020, 1-19.
Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2012. Sociolinguistic Profiles of the Deaf Communities in Trinidad, St. Vincent, and Grenada. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2012-009, 1-25.
Parks, E. and H. Williams. 2012. The Puerto Rican deaf community. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2012-005, 1-13.
Parks, E. 2012. The deaf people of Nicaragua. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2012-004, 1-17.
Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2012. The deaf people of Northern Ireland survey report. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2012-001, 1-24.
Parks, E. and H. Williams. 2011. Sociolinguistic profiles of 24 deaf communities in the Americas. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2011-036, 1-65.
Parks, E. 2011. The deaf people of Haiti. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2011-032, 1-13.
Parks, E., H. Williams, and J. Parks. 2011. A sociolinguistic profile of the deaf people of Panama. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2011-031, 1-17. Republished in Spanish: Parks, E., H. Williams, and J. Parks. 2014. Perfil Sociolingüístico de los Sordos de Panamá. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2014-008, 1-18.
Parks, E., J. Parks, and H. Williams. 2011. “A sociolinguistic profile of the deaf people of Chile = Un Perfil Sociolingüistico de la Communidad Sorda de Chile.” Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2011-027, 1-47.
Parks, E., C. Epley, and J. Parks. 2011. A sociolinguistic profile of the Jamaican deaf community. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2011-026, 1-31.
Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2010. A sociolinguistic profile of the Peruvian deaf community. Sign Language Studies, 10(4), 409-441, DOI: 10.1353/SLS.0.0054.
Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2010. A sociolinguistic survey report of the deaf people of Paraguay. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2010-004, 1-20. Republished in Spanish: Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2015. Sondeo sociolingüístico sobre los sordos en el Paraguay. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2015-010, 1-23.
Williams, H. and E. Parks. 2010. A sociolinguistic survey report of the Dominican Republic deaf community. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2010-005, 1-20. Republished in Spanish: Williams, H. and E. Parks. 2015. Informe sobre una encuesta sociolingüística de la comunidad sorda en la Republica Dominica. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2015-008, 1-22.
Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2009. Sociolinguistic survey report of the deaf community of Peru. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2009-019, 1-24. Republished in Spanish: Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2015. Encuesta sociolingüística de la comunidad sorda en Perú. 2015-007, 1-29.
Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2008. Sociolinguistic survey report of the deaf community of Guatemala. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2008-016, 1-30. Republished in Spanish: Parks, E. and J. Parks. 2016. Encuesta sociolingüística de la comunidad sorda en Guatemala. Journal of Language Survey Reports, 2015-021, 1-33.
Parks, E.S. 2007. Treatment of signed languages in Deaf history texts. Sign Language Studies, 8(4), 79-93, DOI: 10.1353/SLS.2007.0031.
Free Resources
10 Habits of Spacious Listeners
Excerpted from Parks (2018) Book “The Ethics of Listening: Creating Space for Sustainable Dialogue”
I - Invest in relationship. Invest in life-giving relationships by participating in dialogic reciprocity within your relational networks.
C - Care for the dialogue. Care for the Discourse as it both constitutes who you are and you constitute what it becomes through your listening.
A - (Be) Authentic. Practice authenticity by performing sameness of character that leads to change for better.
R - Remember the ongoing story. Remember and re-call into being the parts of shared and conflicting narratives that can co-create healthy discourse.
E - Engage in critical thinking. Critically engage others to solve problems about what hinders the realization of more flourishing intra- and inter-personal worlds.
F - Focus on what matters. Focus on the aspects of the individuals and their cultural narratives and physical environments that matter most.
O - (Be) Open. Actively open yourself to a continuous practice of learning.
R - Respond to the need. Be responsive to the dialogic interactions in timely and articulate ways that reflect the embodied needs of individuals, relationships, and communities.
U - (Cultivate) Understanding. Cultivate understanding about yourself, your dialogic partners, and the narratives you create.
S - Stay intentionally present. Be intentionally present to both the dialogic moment and eternal discourse, recognizing that both impact the
Listening Skills: Undergraduate Course Syllabus
This is a syllabus I have used for a listening skills course. If you are designing your own course, you may find it useful. The National Communication Association has included it in their resources to assist others in course development and design. To download click here.
Listening Across Difference: Undergraduate Course Syllabus
This is a syllabus I have used for a listening across difference course. If you are designing your own course, you may find it useful. The National Communication Association has included it in their resources to assist others in course development and design. To download click here.
Interpersonal Communication Skills: Undergraduate Course Syllabus
This is a syllabus I have used for an interpersonal communication skills course. If you are designing your own course, you may find it useful. The National Communication Association has included it in their resources to assist others in course development and design. To download click here.
Co-Cultural Communication: Open Access Course Materials
This published collected of materials is designed for the "Co-Cultural Communication" course at Colorado State University, but it can be generatively used and/or adapted for any course related to diversity and difference in the United States. As an overview of the course materials, Co-Cultural Communication equips students with the following learning objectives: 1. Recognize and describe one’s own cultural social-standing and cultural influences; 2. Describe, analyze, and compare the array of co-cultures in the United States; 3. Identify and examine cultural communication concepts, systems, processes, and issues; 4. Discuss and examine diversity discourse skills necessary to work through public forums and interpersonal conflicts as well as to communicate thoughtfully and effectively in cultural interactions; 5. Describe, discuss, and write one’s understanding of communication as connected to issues of cultural identity; 6. Analyze as critical consumers popular culture texts and (re)presentations; 7. Examine, describe and articulate the role of the United States as one prototype of many diverse global societies.
Parks, E.S., Combs, M., Calderón, J. 2021. “Co-Cultural Communication: Open Access Course Materials.” Colorado State University, Faculty Publications – Department of Communication Studies. Syllabus, schedule, and Module assignments available from:
Engaging face-to-face co-cultural dialogue (Module X materials)
Engaging text-based co-cultural dialogue (Module Y materials)
Engaging co-cultural dialogue through analytic autoethnography (Module Z materials)
Listening for Engagement: Public Deliberation Community Video Guide
In this video, Dialogue and Diversity Specialist for the Center for Public Deliberation, Dr. Elizabeth Parks talks through how to listen for engagement and provides tips and strategies for listening well during dialogue and deliberative processes. To watch click here.
Active Listening: Public Deliberation Community Video Guide
In this video, Dialogue and Diversity Specialist for the Center for Public Deliberation, Dr. Elizabeth Parks talks through active listening and provides tips and strategies for listening well during conversations. To watch click here.
Inclusive Pedagogy Online: Video for University Teaching
This video was created in collaboration with The Institute on Learning & Teaching (TILT), the Office of the Vice President for Diversity and the Students Empowered and Engaging in Dialogue (SEED) program at Colorado State University to share how faculty are successfully applying inclusive teaching strategies in on-line learning. In addition, we wanted to share resources and demonstrate a collective support system for faculty/instructors to maintain a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. To watch click here:
Constructing Intercultural Dialogues: The Privilege of Listening First
The sixth issue of Constructing intercultural Dialogues, “The Privilege of Listening First” is part of a series designed to provide concrete examples of how actual people have managed to organize and hold intercultural dialogues, so that others may be inspired to do the same. To download click here.
40 Americas Area Signed Languages: Brief Video Summaries in American Sign Language
This is a set of 40 videos describing (in American Sign Language) highlights taken from Americas Area sign language survey reports, published in SIL-ESR, from 2008 to 2011. Each video's length is roughly one to seven minutes long, dependent on the amount of information available about each deaf community and/or location. To access click here.
It includes 1-7 minute summaries in ASL of the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Chile, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, French Guiana, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Saint Lucia, Martinique, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Suriname, Turks and Caicos Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands